Why Your Multifamily Advertising Isn’t Driving Relevant Leads—and How to Change That

  • 16 September 2024
Why Your Multifamily Advertising Isn’t Driving Relevant Leads—and How to Change That

You’re working with an agency, and at first, everything looks great. Impressions are up, leads are flowing in, and your website traffic numbers are improving. It feels like you’ve finally cracked the code to fill your community. But when your leasing team starts following up, reality sets in—most of these leads aren’t qualified. They spend hours making phone calls and giving tours to prospects who are unlikely to convert – and all too often, scheduled tours don’t show up at all. Precious time is wasted, and the frustration starts to build.

If this scenario sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

The good news is, there’s a solution.

By adopting a more strategic and targeted approach to your advertising, you can transform these obstacles into opportunities. In this blog post, we’ll dive into proven tactics that will help you refine your marketing strategy, ensuring that every campaign you launch attracts qualified prospects and drives the results you’ve been striving for.

Why Your Ads Aren’t Reaching the Right Audience

If your advertising campaigns are failing to bring in relevant leads, it’s likely due to a few common missteps. These are the key reasons why your ads might not be reaching the right audience:

Misaligned Targeting

One of the most significant reasons campaigns fall short is misaligned targeting. When your audience is too broad or not well-defined, your ads end up being shown to people who have little to no interest in your property. This can be reflected across the click-through rates in your ads, but sometimes, ads will attract unqualified prospects who convert into website visitors and leads but aren’t able to meet the income requirements. Another common issue could be that a majority of these leads are seeking out a particular floor plan that you don’t have available. This not only wastes your marketing budget but also results in a flood of irrelevant leads that your leasing team has to sift through. 

One way to determine if targeting is the issue is to identify patterns between the traffic that doesn’t convert. 

  • When you review the leads that do and don’t convert in your PMS, do you notice a trend in the ad channels that brought them in? 
  • If you look in Google Analytics and observe the cities your website visitors are coming from, are they outside of the geographic area where most of your residents are coming from? 

These can be signals that an audience within a particular ad campaign can be improved or that you can benefit from a more location-focused targeting strategy.

Lack of Clear Messaging

Your messaging is crucial in attracting the right prospects. If your ads are vague or fail to clearly communicate what makes your property unique, you’re likely to attract leads that aren’t a good fit. 

For example, if your ad message sounds like this:

“Brand New Apartments in Charlotte!”

But your biggest differentiator is how well you cater to pet owners compared to nearby comps, a more targeted ad message would be:

“Pet Owners’ Favorite New Community in Charlotte!”

Clear, compelling messaging that highlights your property’s key selling points is essential for drawing in prospects who are genuinely interested and likely to convert.

Ineffective Use of Data

In today’s data-driven world, failing to leverage the wealth of information available to you can be a costly mistake. Whether it’s data from previous campaigns, CRM insights, or market research, using this information effectively allows you to refine your targeting and messaging. Without it, your campaigns are more likely to attract the wrong kind of leads.

Overemphasis on Volume Over Quality

It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game—generating a high volume of leads. However, if those leads aren’t a good match for your property, they won’t convert into leases. For example, if ILS sites are your biggest generator of leads, but the majority of these leads aren’t following through on scheduled tours or don’t respond to email replies, you may be better off investing more of your budget in channels such as Google Ads or Meta Ads if those channels have been known to generate better leads for your property even if the lead volume looks less impressive.

Focusing too much on quantity rather than quality can result in a lot of wasted effort and resources. By understanding and addressing these common issues, you can begin to refine your advertising strategy, ensuring that your campaigns reach the right audience and generate leads that are more likely to convert into residents.

The Impact of Getting it Right

Now that we’ve explored the common pitfalls in your advertising strategy, let’s talk about what happens when you get it right—when your campaigns consistently attract high-quality leads. But first, what exactly constitutes a high-quality lead in the multifamily industry?

Defining High-Quality Leads

In the multifamily sector, a high-quality lead is more than just someone who shows initial interest in your property. These leads are individuals who align well with your property’s offerings—whether it’s the price point, location, or amenities. They are prospects who are genuinely interested, financially qualified, and have indicated a desire to move in a short time period.

The Monetary Value of Optimization

Focusing on lead quality is crucial for multifamily marketing managers because it directly impacts your bottom line. High-quality leads require less nurturing, convert at higher rates, and ultimately lead to better occupancy rates. Moreover, when your campaigns are optimized to attract the right leads, you can actually spend less on advertising. A well-targeted campaign means fewer wasted clicks and impressions, translating into better ROI.

Let’s break down how it works: 

You are tasked with achieving stabilization (95% occupancy) for a 350-unit apartment community. 

  • Your current occupancy rate is 87%
  • Your lead conversion rate (percentage of website visitors that convert into leads) is 3%
  • Your current close rate (percentage of leads that convert into residents) is 5%

At this rate, you will need to generate 560 leads and 18,667 website visitors. 

Now let’s say you could increase either the close rate or the conversion rate by optimizing your campaigns. 

  • If you improve your close rate from 5% to 10%, that lift in close rate would mean you’d only need to generate 280 leads and 9,333 website visitors to achieve the same leasing goals. 
  • If you kept your current close rate but increased your website conversion rate to 10%, you would still need 560 leads, but it would only take you 5,600 website visitors to achieve stabilization.

If your website conversion rate is 3% versus a 10% conversion rate, you need to attract 70% more website visitors to meet your lead goal. 

Why This Matters

Lower close rates and conversion rates require more traffic to achieve the same results, which leads to higher advertising costs and more strain on leasing teams who have to manage a larger volume of unqualified leads. In contrast, focusing on lead quality reduces your team’s workload and maximizes the efficiency of your marketing spend.

Strategies for Generating High-Quality Leads

To help you attract more relevant leads, we reached out to our Senior Manager of Ad Operations, Liam Keller, who shared his top strategies for optimizing campaigns. Here’s what he recommends:

Leverage Location to Your Advantage

Understanding the importance of location is key to attracting the right prospects. Different neighborhoods cater to different demographics—some areas may appeal more to young professionals, while others might attract families or retirees. 

By highlighting your specific location in ads through keyword targeting and in ad creative, you can ensure that the residents who are the most interested in your location receive your advertisements. As Liam puts it, “Many high-intent prospects do their research and know exactly where they want to live. This often means that they are looking at the neighborhood level for their ideal property rather than the city level. Your job is to make sure they see your property as the best option in that area.”

Be Transparent with Pricing

One of the most effective ways to pre-qualify potential leads is by being upfront about pricing. Transparency in your ads and across your digital platforms can help filter out those who may not be a financial fit, ensuring that only serious prospects engage with your property. Liam emphasizes, “By leveraging pricing data from your website and CRMs, you can attract prospects who are not only interested but also financially capable of becoming your next residents. This approach can also provide cost savings by reducing the percentage of ad dollars spent on unqualified clicks.”

Commit to Continuous Improvement

Optimization doesn’t stop once your campaign is live—it’s an ongoing process. Regularly analyze which ads, audiences, or keywords are driving the most conversions, and don’t be afraid to cut what isn’t working. “Trimming away the non-performers and doubling down on what’s yielding results is crucial,” says Liam. Continuous improvement ensures that your campaigns remain sharp and effective, adapting to changes in the market and audience behavior.

Embrace a Full-Funnel Marketing Approach

Today’s prospects are more informed and discerning than ever. In addition, the market is becoming increasingly saturated, making it essential to engage leads at every step of their journey. A full-funnel marketing approach ensures that you’re planting the seed early and nurturing the lead through to conversion. “Meet your prospects where they are—whether they’re just beginning their search or ready to sign a lease. Being present at each stage of their journey is vital to securing high-quality leads,” Liam advises.

Ready to Elevate Your Lead Quality?

If you’re looking to implement these strategies and see a real impact on your lead quality, our team is here to help. At Conversion Logix, we specialize in multifamily marketing, leveraging industry expertise and cutting-edge tactics to ensure your campaigns attract the most relevant prospects. Schedule a call today to learn how we can help you optimize your advertising efforts and achieve your occupancy goals.

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