Facebook Domain Verification for iOS 14 Update
- 16 March 2021

Prepare for iOS 14 with Domain Verification
With the launch of iOS 14, website event tracking among Apple users on devices running iOS 14 will be limited to those who opt in to accept data tracking. In preparation for the changes iOS 14 will bring, advertisers can take steps to optimize their event tracking by verifying their domain.
Verifying your website domain allows you to select the eight website events your business would like to track for iOS 14 users who come to your site via a Facebook or Instagram ad. Domain verification also allows you to prioritize which events are most valuable for your business to track.
Ready to verify your domain? Find steps for verifying your domain, details on how domain verification helps you track iOS users, and insights on setting up your event tracking below.
Steps to Verify Your Domain
- Go to business.facebook.com/settings
- Go to the left hand nav bar > Brand safety > Domains > Add > [enter your domain]
- Copy the TXT record into your DNS records (i.e. GoDaddy)
- In your DNS records, select the TXT type, paste your TXT record, and save.
- Wait 72 hours, go back into Facebook Business Manager, and then click to verify your domain (you will do this in the same location where you entered your domain Brand safety > Domains > Verify).
Additional Resources:
- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/domain-verification/verifying-your-domain/
- https://www.facebook.com/business/help/286768115176155?id=199156230960298
- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/domain-verification/
Domain Verification Details
Limited to eight total event types
For iOS 14 users who choose to opt in to data tracking on your website, you will only be able to track a total of eight event types for those users. What does that mean exactly? There is a list of website events that Facebook tracks when a user reaches your website via an ad (i.e. Schedule, Submit Application, Contact, etc). From the full list of website events that Facebook is capable of tracking, you are able to select only eight events to track for all iOS 14 users who opt in.
One event type per engagement
Though you have the ability to track a total of eight different event types, due to iOS 14’s more stringent data policy, you will only be able to track one event type per engagement. That means each time a user visits your website via a Facebook or Instagram ad, you will only be able to track one event that they complete. If a user triggers a “Find Location” event, “Contact” event, and “Schedule” event in a single session on your website, only one of those events will be tracked.
In light of these limitations, Facebook is allowing advertisers to prioritize events. You will now be able to rank your eight events by the value they bring to your business. If multiple events are triggered, Facebook will record the event highest on your prioritization list.
In the previous example where a “Find Location” event, “Contact” event, and “Schedule” event are all triggered, Facebook would reference your prioritization list. Let’s say that your prioritization list is as follows:
- Submit Application
- Schedule
- Lead
- Contact
- Subscribe
- Find Location
- View Content
- Search
In this scenario, Facebook would only track the “Schedule” event.
Event Selection and Prioritization
Choosing your events is a crucial, but fairly straightforward process. You should select the eight events that provide the most value to your business. After initial setup, you can change which eight events you decide to track or reprioritize your events. However, making changes to your event selection and prioritization will cause your ads to pause for 3 days. Avoiding long pauses in your campaign is vital for campaign health, so we advise carefully choosing and prioritizing your events so you can get it right the first time.
Need help setting up your events? We’ve got you covered.
If you are a Conversion Logix client, we will work with your team to select the best eight events and set them up for you. Please reach out to your account manager.
If you are not a Conversion Logix client, we are happy to answer questions you have about tracking events from Facebook traffic and getting the most from your social ad spend. Schedule a call anytime.
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