Admin Support
The total number of times a chat conversation involved a support request.
Average Position
Where your ad ranks in comparison to other search ads for a given keyword. (i.e 1st, 2nd, 3rd).
Call Duration
The average length of your calls.
The total number of phone calls that were directly attributable to a Conversion Logix marketing campaign.
Chat Conversation Conversion Rate
The total number of chats divided by the total number of chat invite clicks.
Chat Engagements
The total number of times a chat was initiated by a website visitor (clicks on chat invites).
The total number of conversations our team had with website visitors that clicked on a chat invite.
The total number of clicks across all advertising campaigns.
CPC (Cost Per Click)
The total amount spent divided by the total number of ad clicks generated.
CPV (Cost Per View)
Total amount spent divided by the total number of video views.
CTR (Click Through Rate)
The total number of ad clicks divided by the total number of ad impressions.
Designated Marketing Area.
The number of times an ad was presented.
Impression Share
The percentage of times your ad appears in the search engine for a given keyword search. 100% impression share means we are appearing on 100% of searches for that keyword.
Job Inquiries
The total number of times a chat led to a conversation about job openings.
Lead Conversion Rate
The total number of leads divided by the total number of chats.
The total number of times a Live Chat agent acquired a name, email, and phone number during a chat conversation.
Link Clicks
The total number of times people clicked on your social ad destination link.
Searches occurring in a targeted area around the community.
Missed Calls
Total number of calls that went unanswered.
Missed Calls %
The total number of missed calls divided by all calls.
non-brand keywords.
Post View Rate
The number of times a user sees an ad and visits the website without clicking, divided by total impressions.
Post Views
The number of website visits that occurred after someone viewed a banner campaign (this excludes anyone who saw a banner campaign and clicked on it).
The number of people who saw your social ad.
Scheduled Reservations
The total number of times someone booked a hotel through chat.
Scheduled Visit Conversion Rate
The total number of scheduled tours divided by the total number of leads.
Scheduled Visits
The total number of onsite tours that were booked for a community through CallChatter.
View-through Conversions
The number of people who watched a YouTube video, didn’t click on it, and later visited the website.
YouTube Views
The total number of times people watched or engaged with your video ad.