% New Session
The total number of new sessions divided by the total number of website sessions.
Average Session Duration
The average length of time a user spent on your website in a single session.
Bounce Rate
The percentage of sessions where users exited the site without completing an event or
viewing another Page.
Campaign Goal Completion Rate
The total number of goal completions that came from Conversion Logix campaigns divided by the total number of goal completions that occurred across all traffic sources.
Campaign Percentage of Website Sessions
The total number of website sessions attributable to
Conversion Logix divided by the total number of website sessions across all traffic sources.
Campaign Sessions
All website traffic directly attributable to Conversion Logix marketing campaigns.
Goal Completions
Lead indicating actions prospects take on your website. Typical website goals include:
clicking on a clickable phone number on a mobile device, clicking to email a community, submitting a
contact form, clicking on an apply now button, or submitting an application.
Goal Conversion Rate
The total number of goals completed divided by the total number of website
New Users
The total number of new unique visitors who came to your website.
Organic Sessions
Website traffic that comes through non-paid search channels, google, bing, yahoo, etc.
The average number of pages a person visited on your site per website session.
Total number of website visits.
Total Goals
Total # of goal completions that occurred on your website.
Total Search Goals
The total number of goal completions attributable to paid search traffic.
Website Users
The total number of unique visitors who came to your website.